Thursday, May 5, 2011

She's the man

She's the man is the best movie in the world. Not only is it the best movie ever, but it has the best actress ever as the main character! She's the man is based of of the Shakespeare play, "Twelfth night." While Viola's (Amanda's) brother, Sebastian,  sneaks to London to continue his music career, Viola tells her mother she is going to her dad's house. In this time, Viola takes her brothers place at school. She does a lot of work to disguise her looks, voice, and walk. Viola does this so she can play soccer because the girls team at Cornwall got cut. She falls in love with Duke and has to keep it secret because he thinks she is a guy. In the end, Viola helps Illyria beat Cornwall (her old school) and finally admits that she is not Sebastian and that she is his very own sister. This movie is a great mix of comedy and romance. See for yourself what happens next!

Movie reviews

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